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Artwork by Tamerlane: Murals

Here are some of my murals on ceilings and walls...

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"The Old Guitarist" original by Pablo Picasso

"Cafe at Night" original by Vincent van Gough

"Jack the Ripper" original by Arthur Sarnoff

"Pigeon with Peas" original by Pablo Picasso

Old Caribbean map in ceiling niche

"Flowers in metal vase" original by Tamerlane

"Florence" kitchen mural by Tamerlane

"EC Fitness" logo for personal trainer / original by Tamerlane

Ceiling design by Tamerlane

"The Milliner's Workshop" original by Pablo Picasso

"Night Moods" original by Tamerlane

"Diamonds with border" wall pattern by Tamerlane

"Untitled" abstract mural by Tamerlane

"Batman in Gotham City" (entire kids' room) original art by Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams

"Purple Tulips" by Tamerlane

"Goin' to the Dogs" by Tamerlane

"Block Heads" by Tamerlane

Interior wall game room

Kitchen wall pattern