Art pg.2

Introduction  Fine Art: originals Art pg.2 Art pg.3 Murals Faux Effects effects pg. 2 Master Reproductions reproductions pg.2 Contact Me

Tamerlane's Artwork continued..

Here is more of my Artwork on canvas and mixed medium..<script language=JavaScript>
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"2 Giraffes"

"Beach Condo"

"Three of a Kind"

"Beysic Martini"

"Night Life"

"Brick City"

"Betty Blues"

"Black fountain at Lake Eola"

"Cold Front"


"At the YMCA"

"Tree Dancers"

"At the Opera"

"First Kiss"

"Our dirty little Secret"

"A view from Battery Park"

"Divine Souls"

"American Parade"

"Ancient Summer"

"Four wine bottles"

"Gray Lady"

"Cafe Espanola"

"Asian Pesto Soup"

"Spirit Dance"

"42nd Street"

"Breakfast with a Smile"

"Spanish Harlem"


"Winter in Paris"